Manganese Atomic Number

Atomic Number of Manganese is 25.

Chemical symbol for Manganese is Mn. Number of protons in Manganese is 25. Atomic weight of Manganese is 54.938044 u or g/mol. Melting point of Manganese is 1244 °C and its the boiling point is 2097 °C.

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About Manganese

Manganese Atomic NumberNumber

Manganese is a hard light grey color metal, often used in various alloys and known as the key element for electromagnetism. The name of this element is derived from Latin word meaning magnet. Manganese is essential for all living creatures and things as it is a part of a large number of enzymes. We consume manganese with food like nuts, parsley, tea, cereals, etc. This element is known as the fifth most abundant element on our planet, and it can be found on the surface of earth both in soils and in a large number of minerals (a big portion of such minerals in mined in Africa). Manganese can also be found in waters of oceans. This element is usually used in alloys with steel to produce super strong products like rails, prison bars, ruffles, safes, etc. Other common alloys of manganese used to industry are the ones with copper and aluminum.

Uses of Manganese

Manganese, silvery white, hard metallic element with the symbol Mn, is very important in steelmaking and in aluminum alloys. It is used in textile printing, paint, dry cell batteries, drink cans, and fertilizers. Manganese sulfate is used as a reducing agent in the manufacturing of paint and varnish dryers. Potassium permanganate is preferred as an antiseptic or disinfectant. Manganese dioxide is mainly used in dry cell batteries such as zinc-carbon batteries. This compound is also used as a pigment in ceramics and glassmaking. Manganese alloys are also used in organic chemistry, Portland cement mixtures and producing pink colored glass.

Manganese minerals are widely distributed, with oxides, silicates, and carbonates being the most common. Large quantities of manganese nodules are found on the ocean floor and may become a source of manganese. These nodules contain about 24% manganese, together with many other elements in lesser abundance. Atomic Number: 56 Atomic Mass: 137.327 amu Melting Point: 725.0 °C (998.15 K, 1337.0 °F) Boiling Point: 1140.0 °C (1413.15 K, 2084.0 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 56 Number of Neutrons: 81 Classification: Alkaline Earth Crystal Structure: Cubic Density @ 293 K: 3.51 g/cm 3 Color: Silver Atomic Structure. Our manganese page has over 280 facts that span 106 different quantities. Each entry has a full citation identifying its source. Areas covered include atomic structure, physical properties, atomic interaction, thermodynamics, identification, atomic size, crystal structure, history, abundances, and nomenclature. Atomic Number of Manganese. Atomic Number of Manganese is 25. Chemical symbol for Manganese is Mn. Number of protons in Manganese is 25. Atomic weight of Manganese is 54.938044 u or g/mol. Melting point of Manganese is 1244 °C and its the boiling point is 2097 °C. Manganese is a fairly active element and can form a number of oxidation states. The most stable is +2. Where is manganese found on Earth? Manganese is mostly found in the Earth's crust where it is the twelfth most abundant element. It is found in a number of minerals and ores such as pyrolusite, bruanite, and psilomelane.

Compounds with Manganese

  • Mn2O7: Manganese heptoxide
  • Mn3O4: Manganese(II,III) oxide
  • MnO: Manganese(II) oxide
  • MnO2: Manganese(IV) oxide
  • Mn2O7: Manganese(VII) oxide
  • Mn2O3: Manganese(III) oxide
  • MnF2: Manganese(II) fluoride
  • MnO3: Manganese(VI) oxide
  • MnSO4: Manganese sulfate
  • KMnO4: Potassium permanganate

Properties of Manganese Element

Atomic Number (Z)25
Atomic SymbolMn
Atomic Weight54.938044 u
Density7.44 g/cm3
Melting Point (K)1519 K
Melting Point (℃)1244 °C
Boiling Point (K)2334 K
Boiling Point (℃)2097 °C
Heat Capacity0.479 J/g · K
Abundance950 mg/kg
State at STPSolid
DescriptionTransition metal
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ1.55
Ionization Energy (eV)7.43402
Atomic Radius140pm
Covalent Radius139pm
Valence Electrons2
Year of Discovery1774
Manganese Atomic NumberAtomic

What is the Boiling Point of Manganese?

Manganese boiling point is 2097 °C. Boiling point of Manganese in Kelvin is 2334 K.

Manganese Atomic Number And Atomic Mass

What is the Melting Point of Manganese?

Manganese melting point is 1244 °C. Melting point of Manganese in Kelvin is 1519 K.

How Abundant is Manganese?

Abundant value of Manganese is 950 mg/kg.

What is the State of Manganese at Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)?

State of Manganese is Solid at standard temperature and pressure at 0℃ and one atmosphere pressure.

When was Manganese Discovered?

Isotope Of Manganese Atomic Number

Manganese was discovered in 1774.