
Sqeezer, also Squeezer, was a German Eurodance and Pop duo formed in 1995 by Jim Reeves. Sqeezer was originally fronted by Reeves and Yvonne Spath (back dancer of Captain Jack, Culture Beat, Masterboy and after member of Funky Diamonds). The group has sold more than 1 million records worldwide.

Squeezer Compression Tester

Squeezer The Squeezer is an early-game machine that allows you to jump on blocks and items to break or squeeze them. Not only players, but any kind of entity can jump or fall on it to perform the squeezing process. Resulting items will either fall into any adjacent inventory or on the ground. Squeezer: Squeezer is a free clicker game where you get to play as a creepy eyeball that is traveling up a maze-like path. This is a simple online game with simple animation that changes with every session. The neon-colored background changes from purple to blue to green and other fun colors.

The Squeezer is our smallest compression tester. Designed to evaluate box performance, the Squeezer is a valuable tool for researching the effects of various board mediums, closures, interior partitions, and other box design variables on compressive strength performance. The Squeezer can also be used for distribution simulation compression testing on individual packages.

The standard system has a platen size that is 30 in. (76 cm) square with a maximum opening of 48 in. (122 cm). An optional extended platen is available for testing larger boxes/packages. Both platen options can be either fixed or fixed/floating configurations. Maximum force capability is 5000 lbs. (22.2 kN).

To make the Squeezer easy to operate, the automated test routines are selected and setup through the touchscreen located on the front of the unit. Most commonly the Squeezer is installed on top of a laboratory bench or with one of the optional machine test stands. The self-contained test system only requires electrical power to operate.

  • Simple touchscreen operation
  • Constant Rate and Constant Load test modes
  • Self-contained design
  • Real-time display of force, deflection, temperature, and humidity
  • Easy data export

Max Force: 5000 lbs. (22.2 kN)

Install panopto for mac. Platen Size: 30 in. x 30 in. (76 cm x 76 cm)

Max Opening: 48 in. (122 cm)

  • Fixed/floating platen, providing the ability to either lock the platen during testing, or allow it to swivel as the test item deforms and/or fails.
  • Over-sized platens for larger test items.
  • Machine test stands, allowing a stable surface where the machine can be raised to a more functional operating height.

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a. To press hard on or together; compress: squeezed the balloon until it popped.
b. To press gently, as in affection: squeezed her hand.
c. To exert pressure on, as by way of extracting liquid: squeeze an orange.
a. To extract by applying pressure: squeeze juice from a lemon.
b. To extract or gain by intimidation or other pressure: squeezed information out of the suspect.
c. To pressure or intimidate (someone) to comply with a demand, as to make an extortion payment.
a. To obtain room for by pressure; cram: squeezed her clothes into the suitcase.
b. To manage to find time or space for: I asked if she might squeeze me into her busy schedule. Can we squeeze another chair in at your table?
4. Games To force (an opponent) to use a potentially winning card in a trick he or she cannot take in bridge.
5. Baseball
a. To cause (a run or base runner) to score on a squeeze play.
b. To call as balls pitches thrown by (a pitcher) near the edges of the strike zone. Used of an umpire.
1. To give way under pressure: The rubber duck squeaks when it squeezes.
2. To exert pressure: squeezed until my hand hurt.
3. To force one's way: squeeze through a crowd; squeeze into a tight space.
b. A handclasp or brief embrace.
3. A group crowded together; a crush.
4. Financial pressure caused by shortages or narrowing economic margins.
5. Pressure or intimidation to comply with a demand, as to make an extortion payment: thugs who put the squeeze on shopkeepers.
6. Games A forced discard of a potentially winning card in bridge.
8. Slang One's primary romantic partner or sweetheart.
Phrasal Verbs: squeeze off
To fire (a round of bullets) by squeezing the trigger.
squeeze through (or by)
[Probably alteration of obsolete quease, to press, from Middle English queisen, from Old English cwȳsan.]
squeez′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Noun1.squeezer - a kitchen utensil for squeezing juice from fruit
kitchen utensil - a utensil used in preparing food
juice reamer, reamer, juicer - a squeezer with a conical ridged center that is used for squeezing juice from citrus fruit
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


lemon squeezerexprimelimonesm inv, exprimidorm
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈskwiːzəʳ]nlemon squeezerspremiagrumim inv
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


Hydraulic Rivet Squeezer

(Squeezerskwiːz) verb
1. to press (something) together or from all sides tightly. He squeezed her hand affectionately; He squeezed the clay into a ball. druk يَعْصُر стискам espremer mačkat drücken trykke; presse ζουλώ, στύβω, σφίγγω pigistama به هم فشردن puristaa presser לִלחוֹץ दबाना, भींचना, चांपना stisnuti, gnječiti összenyom meremas kreista stringere; spremere 握る 꽉잡다, 압착하다 suspausti []spiest; paspiest ramas knijpenklemme, trykke ściskać espremer a presa, a comprima сжимать; сдавливать stlačiť stisniti stegnuti krama บีบ ezmek 壓榨,緊(握) давити, стискувати ہاتھوں سے دبانا ép, vắt, nén 压榨,紧(握)
2. to force (eg oneself) eg into or through a narrow space. The dog squeezed himself / his body into the hole; We were all squeezed into the back seat of the car. indruk يَضْغَط натъпквам (се) comprimir(-se) vmáčknout (se) sich quetschen presse ind; klemme ind στριμώχνω, στριμώχνομαι litsuma, pressima فشارآوردن ahtautua s'introduire לִדחוֹק में ठुसना, घुसेड़ना ugurati se, stisnuti se be(le)présel mendesakkan troða(st) infilarsi; schiacciare 押し込む 밀어 넣다 į(si)sprausti, į(si)grūsti iespiest; saspiest; iespiesties; saspiesties mendesakkan wringen presse/knipe seg gjennom wciskać (się) comprimir a vârî втискивать; впихивать natlačiť (sa) stlačiti se uglaviti klämma, pressa เบียด sıkışmak протискуватися, просуватися گھس گھسا کر راستہ بنانا chen, ẩn
3. to force something, eg liquid, out of something by pressing. She squeezed the oranges (into a jug); We might be able to squeeze some more money/information out of him. uitdruk يَحْشُر изцеждам espremer vymačkat ausquetschen presse ξεζουμίζω, στύβω, αποσπώ välja pressima عصاره چيزي را گرفتن puristaa presser לִלחוֹץ निचोड़कर प्राप्त करना iscijediti, istisnuti što (ki)nyom memeras kreista spremere しぼる 짜내다 išspausti izspiest mendesak uitpersenpresse, klemme wyciskać espremer a stoarce выжимать; вымогать vyžmýkať iztisniti iscediti pressa คั้น sıkmak 榨取 видавлювати, вичавлювати دبا کر نچوڑنا ép ra, bóp nặn 榨取

Lemon Squeezer Amazon

1. an act of squeezing. He gave his sister an affectionate squeeze. drukkie عَصْر стискане apertão stisk, přivinutí die Umarmung klem σφίξιμο, ζούληγμα, σφιχταγκάλιασμα embus, käepigistus فشردگي puristus étreinteלחיצה भींचना stisak, gnječenje összenyomás; szorítás remasan kreisting; knús stretta, abbraccio 抱き締め 꼭 껴안기, 꽉 쥐기 paspaudimas spiediens ramasan vriendelijke handdruk etc. klem, trykkuścisk apertão îmbrăţişare сжатие; объятие stisk stisk stisak kram การโอบกอดแน่น sıkıştırma 壓榨,緊(抱) стискання; здавлювання دباؤ sự ôm chặt 压榨,紧(抱)
2. a condition of being squeezed. We all got into the car, but it was a squeeze. min plek ضَغْط، كَبْس притискане aperto mačkanice das Gedränge maseri στρίμωγμα, ζούληγμα ruuminappus, kitsikus فشار ahtaus cohue דוֹחָק רַב निचौड़ी वस्तु gužva, stiska zsúfoltság desak-desakan þrengsli calca, ressa すし詰め 밀착 susikimšimas, kamšatis saspiešanās; drūzmēšanās berasak gedrangtrengsel, tettpakket menneskemengdeściskaperto îngrămădeală теснота; давка tlačenica gneča gužva trängsel การเบียดเสียด sıkışıklık 擁擠 тіснота, давка دھکم پیل sự chen chúc 拥挤
3. a few drops produced by squeezing. uitdrukking عُصارَه изцеждане umas gotas pár kapek das Ausgepreßte nogen dråber στύψιμο tilk مضيقه puriste quelques gouttes de כָּמָה טִיפּוֹת निचोड़ izažimanje, iscjedak kipréselt lé perasan nokkrir dropar af , schizzo しぼり汁 짜냄 kas nors išsunkta izspiestais šķidrums perahan enige druppels noen dråper kilka wyciśniętych kropel umas gotas câteva picături de выжатый сок pár kvapiek izžeti sok iscedak droppe, skvätt สิ่งที่คั้นออกมา sızıntı 榨出的少量東西 вичавлений сік نچوڑنے سے نکلنے والے قطرے một chút gì do vắt ra 榨出的少量东西
4. a time of financial restriction. an economic squeeze. moeilikheid, beperking سياسَة الحَد من الإقْتِراض финансови ограничения restrição omezení, restrikce der Engpaß stramning οικονομική κρίση (rahaline) kitsikus انقباض اقتصادي ahdistus restrictionדוחק कठिन परिस्थिति nestašica megszorítás kesulitan kreppa, samdráttur crisi; compressione 苦境 궁지 diržo susiveržimas grūtības kesulitan restrictie inn-/tilstramming zaciskanie pasa restrição criză ограничение obmedzenie stiska nestašica åtstramning การควบคุมที่เกี่ยวกับการเงิน para kısıtlaması 抽緊銀根 скрутне становище; труднощі مالی دباؤ sự hạn chế về tài chính 抽紧银根
ˈsqueezer noun
an instrument for squeezing. a lemon squeezer. uitdrukker عَصّارَه изтисквачка espremedor lis (na ovoce) die Presse presser; -presser στύφτης press فشار دهنده puristin presse-fruitsמסחטה निष्कर्षणी, निष्पीड़क gnječilo, cjedilo gyümölcsprés alat pemeras kreistari, (ávaxta)pressa spremiagrumi しぼり器 압착기 spaudiklis spiedne alat pemerah perspresse wyciskacz espremedor storcător de fructe (соко)выжималка lis (na ovocie) ožemalnik cediljka [frukt]press เครื่องบีบ sıkacak 果汁機,壓榨機 соковижималка, віджимний прес نچوڑنے والا máy ép 榨汁器,压榨机
squeeze up

Squeezers San Antonio

to move closer together. Could you all squeeze up on the bench and make room for me? opskuif يَقْتَرِب من، يَضْغَط نَفْسَه сгъстявам (се) apertar-se smčknout se sich zusammenquetschen rykke sammen στριμώχνομαι koomale võtma به زور جا دادن tiivistää se serrer לִדחוֹס निकट आना stisnuti se összepréselődik merapat þjappa (sér) saman stringersi つめる 밀착하다 susispausti saspiesties merapat opschuiven trykke (seg) sammen ścisnąć się apertar-se a se înghesui тесниться potlačiť sa stisniti se stisnuti se tränga ihop sig เขยิบเข้าไปใกล้ sıkışmak 擠在一起使其更緊密 потіснитися ایک ساتھ قریب آنا chen chúc 使挤紧,使挤拢,靠紧一些
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Squeezer Machine

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