Preference Manager

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  2. Preference Manager Kotlin

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Reference Manager

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Preference Manager Kotlin

FedEx Ship Manager® Help
FedEx Ship Manager® Preferences

Help Menu
Click the Help menu at the top of each page to access the following tools:
  • Help with this page – Includes FAQs, specific instructions and additional information for the sections and processes you see on the screen.
  • Online Technical Support – Provides the opportunity to Find Answers Online, chat online with a FedEx Technical Support Agent or Submit a Question.
  • Interactive Help Guide – Offers a demo, the ability to practice using our applications, assistance during actual transactions, a printable User Guide and “What’s New” information.
Contact FedEx
Refer to FedEx Customer Support for ways to contact FedEx via e-mail, mail, or phone.
Use the Preferences screen to customize FedEx Ship Manager ® for your convenience. You may set defaults for the options and information you use most when shipping. There are no required entries on this screen, so you need only define the preferences that best suit your shipping needs. The preferences available may vary depending on your origin country.
Note: While you are creating a shipment, you can change the field values from the defaults for that shipment. However, if you change defaults on the Preferences screen while creating a shipment, the new defaults will not apply to your current shipment.
For detailed help with sections on this screen, you may continue reading below or explore one of the following specific topics. You may also click the Help link at the top of each section:
Display the Contact ID field
Select this option to always display the Contact ID field while shipping.
Enable link to select address from Outlook
Select this option to enable the Select Address from Microsoft Outlook® link in the From section while shipping.
Always show this section expanded
Select this option to always show this section expanded while creating shipments.
Display the Contact ID field
Select this option to always display the Contact ID field while shipping.
Always save new recipient addresses to address book
Select this option to save all new addresses to your Address Book.
Enable link to select address from Outlook
Select this option to enable the Select Address from Microsoft Outlook® link in the To section while shipping.
Service type
Select the FedEx® service you use most often from the drop-down menu. Please refer to the FedEx Service Guide at for detailed information on FedEx services and delivery commitments.
Package type
Select the package type you use most often from the drop-down menu. Please refer to the FedEx Service Guide at for detailed information on FedEx packaging.
Unit of Measure
Select a default unit of measure for your international shipments.
Select the form of currency you use most often from the drop-down menu. The currency type is generally the same as your origin country.
Total Customs Value
Indicate the total customs value. This option applies to International Ground shipments only.
Bill transportation to
  1. Select the account most often billed from the drop-down menu.
  2. If you select Recipient or Third Party, enter the 9-digit FedEx account number to bill.
Bill duties/taxes/fees to
  1. Select the account most often billed for duties, taxes and fees for international shipments from the drop-down menu.
  2. If you select Recipient or Third Party, enter the 9-digit FedEx account number to bill.
Reference options
  1. Click this option to display the reference fields.
  2. Select the references you want to be reminded to enter. These fields will appear in the Billing Details section while creating a shipment.
  3. In the reference field text boxes, enter the default information you want to provide with each shipment.
Show FedEx InSight® options
Select this option to always display Show FedEx InSight ® options in the Special Services section. You must enroll in FedEx InSight for this to be applicable.
Always show this section expanded
Select this option to always show this section expanded while creating shipments.
Schedule a pickup
Select this option to always schedule a pickup when you create a shipment.
Drop off a package at FedEx location
Select this option if you usually drop off your package.
Use an already scheduled pickup at my location
Select this option to have your shipment picked up during the next regularly scheduled pickup at your location.
Always show this section expanded
Select this option to always show this section expanded while creating shipments.
Email information
  1. Enter the default Sender e-mail address and select the appropriate e-mail language.
  2. Select the notification types to send.
    • Ship notifications indicate that the shipment information has been sent to FedEx.
    • Tendered notifications indicate when FedEx has picked up a shipment.
    • Pickup notifications indicate that a pickup has been successfully scheduled.
    • Exception notifications indicate any exceptions that may cause a delivery delay.
    • Estimated Delivery notifications indicate when FedEx anticipates the package will be delivered.
    • Delivery notifications indicate that the package has been delivered.
  3. Click Add additional recipients to have e-mail notifications also sent to other individuals. Repeat the steps above for Other 1 and Other 2.
  4. Select the format type you use most for your e-mail notifications.
    • Email (HTML) format supports various fonts, colors and active links.
    • Email (Plain Text) format supports all email applications but does not support bold, colored fonts or links.
Always show additional recipients in this section
Select this option to always show additional e-mail recipients while creating shipments.
Always show personal message option
Select this option to always show the personal message option while creating shipments.
Always show this section expanded
Select this option to always show this section expanded while creating shipments.
View all services
Select this option to always display all FedEx services available for your shipment.
View ETD (electronic trade documents) help guide.
The following preferences may vary depending on your origin country.
Always create a Commercial Invoice or Pro Forma Invoice
Select this option if you want FedEx Ship Manager to create a Commercial Invoice or Pro Forma Invoice online for all of your international shipments. Only one Invoice option can be selected.
Always print Commercial Invoice/Pro Forma Invoice on uploaded company letterhead
Select this option if you want FedEx Ship Manager to print your Commercial Invoice/Pro Forma Invoice on uploaded company letterhead for all of your international shipments.
If you enabled Electronic Trade Documents (ETD), FedEx highly recommends selecting the options to use uploaded company letterhead as well as uploaded signature image. Although not required, these items will help avoid regulatory or customs delays with your shipment.
To upload company letterhead:
  1. Select Always print Commercial/Pro Forma Invoice on company letterhead.
  2. Click Upload to upload a letterhead image.
    The letterhead image upload screen will display. Letterhead image files must be in either GIF or PNG format and no larger than 700 pixels wide by 50 pixels high.
  3. Click Browse to navigate to the location where you have stored your letterhead image on your computer.
  4. Select the letterhead image file.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. Your letterhead image has now been uploaded and will display on- screen. Click Close Window.
Always include uploaded signature on the applicable customs documents
Select this option if you want FedEx Ship Manager to print your uploaded signature on all applicable customs documents.
If you enabled Electronic Trade Documents (ETD), FedEx highly recommends selecting the options to include uploaded signature image as well as uploaded company letterhead. Although not required, these items will help avoid regulatory or customs delays with your shipment.
To upload a signature image:
  1. Select Always include uploaded signature image.
  2. Click Upload to upload a signature image.
    The signature image upload screen will display. Signature image files must be in GIF or PNG file format and must be no larger than 240 pixels wide by 25 pixels tall.
  3. Click Browse button to navigate to the location where you have stored your signature image on your computer.
  4. Select the signature image file.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. Your signature image has now been uploaded and will display on-screen. Click Close Window.
Always print [#] additional copy(ies) of label
Select this option and indicate a number if you want FedEx Ship Manager to print additional copies of your label.
Always print [#] additional copy(ies) of customs documents
Select this option and indicate a number if you want FedEx Ship Manager to print additional copies of your customs documents.
Enable Electronic Trade Documents (ETD)
Select this option if you would like your trade documents to be electronically attached to your shipment. This eliminates the need to print them and attach them to your package. To ensure reduced customs delays, FedEx recommends using your own international trade documents (e.g., your own Business Commercial Invoice generated from your own system, if you have one). If you choose to complete the Commercial Invoice using FedEx Ship Manager at, include the same commodity details as you would on your own Business Commercial Invoice system.
If you enable Electronic Trade Documents (ETD), FedEx highly recommends selecting the options to include uploaded company letterhead as well as uploaded signature image. Although not required, these items will help avoid regulatory or customs delays with your shipment.
Refer to the FedEx Electronic Trade Documents Coverage PDF for a listing of countries and territories that permit electronic clearance and use of ETD.

Enable EEI data import from FedEx Agent Filing Tool
Select this option to display the Get SED/EEI data link in the To section. This option allows you to import EEI information for completed EEI requests filed using the FedEx Export AgentFile® Tool.
Always display additional customs documentation
Select this option to always display the Additional customs documentation checkbox.
Always provide a duty and tax estimate
Select this option to always display the estimated duty and tax (requires proper Harmonized code).
Enable Document Profile Selection
Select this option to display your saved Document Profiles.
Always display advisories
Select this option to always show the Display advisories checkbox.
Document description
Select a description from the dropdown menu or enter your own description to be used as the default for international document shipments.
Label printing
Select Laser/Inkjet or Thermal Printer as the type for your default printer.
Set up thermal printer
If you select Thermal Printer as your default printer, click Set up thermal printer for setup instructions.
If you ship international packages, you also need a laser or inkjet printer connected to your computer to print international shipping documents.
Use Scale
  • Select Use Scale if you are using your own scale to weigh your packages. This will automatically populate the Weight field on the Create a Shipment screen.
  • Click Scale information for detailed information about purchasing, installing and using a scale.
  • You must be using Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.x (or above), and your scale must be properly connected to the COM1 port of your computer.
Remind me to print Pending Shipments
Select this option to always display a reminder that you have pending shipments to process.
Remind me to print Ground Manifest
Select this option to always display a reminder to print the FedEx Ground Shipping Manifest.
Remind me to Save for later
Select this option to save your shipment as a pending shipment to process later today or on a future date.
Always show shipment confirmation
Select this option to always show the Confirm Your Shipment Details screen before printing your shipping label.
Always show Pending shipment confirmation
Select this option to always show the Pending Shipment Confirmation screen when saving a shipment for later.
This information is provided to you and its use is subject to the FedEx Automation Agreement under which you obtained or have been authorized to use FedEx Ship Manager® at No warranties are extended and all warranties, including without limitation, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED, regarding this information. Any conflict between this information and the Automation Agreement, or transportation agreement between you and FedEx, or between this information and the FedEx Service Guide will be governed by the Automation Agreement, the transportation agreement and the FedEx Service Guide, in that order. Your use of this information constitutes your agreement to these terms.
